Friday, October 14, 2011

13 000 km

This whole trip really started with having nothing to do in Toulouse in the summer (it empties as the weather gets unbearably hot) and me having a big pet tiger in the flat I was living in at that time.

I kidnapped the tiger, we named it Nils (the only Norwegian name we could think of besides Olaf, but that was ugly) and then we took it to Nordkapp (the very north of Norway), and then to Estonia, to Berlin, to Scotland and back to Toulouse.

It grew on us, I never took it back. I guess I can tick the act of stealing a tiger off my life list :) It's now sitting in our living room ow and is a proud and well-travelled member of the house.

Hitchhiking with a tiger was rather fun. I lost the count of people who said they just stopped for the tiger and that they never pick up hitchhikers. I guess a couple with a big teddy is not really in the top of anyone's "likely-to-be-murderers" list. It was also a great pillow (lots of nights in a tent), having it would cheer us up in hopeless hitchhiking spots (meaning what do you mean we're carrying around a big fluffy tiger?) and we could take touristy photos with him! I hate taking pictures of "me in front of the Eiffel tower" but with Nils it made being a tourist fun :)

aren't we just the cutest thing ever? :P p.s. I can't believe we dragged that tiger around for two and a half months...

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