Friday, January 7, 2011

When nothing goes right... go left!

I have emigrated. Its weird to look out of the train window and see all the way to the horizon with no hills on the way. Or even just to be in a train :P I’d got so used to the still, peaceful, tranquil life of our little lovely Scottish village that it took me well over a day to realise that it’s not smart to walk in the middle of the roads in Amsterdam...

I must say that I feel more homesick for Scotland than I do for Estonia. I suppose I’ve been away from Estonia for over a year so have got used to being away, whereas it was only a mere week ago when I last saw the beautiful people, lochs and hills of Scotland..

I’m in Holland with no plans further away than three days, totally out of comfort zone. First of all - me and not planning don’t quite mix, secondly – me and not planning don’t quite mix! I love it. Feeling uncertain about what happens a week, month, three months from now. Whatever it is, it’s going to be great.

I have the best of Scottish with me though - a charm with a Scottish touch from a wonderful, beautiful Estonian friend, and I also managed to grab a live scottish guy with me, he’s truly the best of Scotland, better even than Ewan McGregor I think :P He's shy about appearing in this blog and I'm trying to keep things in here fairly impersonal, but it seems like we're going to be (travelling) partners for a while; so I want it to make sense when I, at one moment in the future, accidentally happen to use the world "we" instead of "I".

That's us!
Life is wonderful!
I'll be back to Scotland for my holiday! :)


  1. Ja kus kaugel te nüüd olete!? Ootan uut postitust!;)

  2. Ma endiselt ootan uut postitust!! Palun leia aega ja kirjuta midagi!!
