Friday, November 26, 2010

„And where is home for you?“ asks another customer in the restaurant. I really need to find a clever, interesting, witty answer to that...
„Tell you what, I'll by you a drink if you get it right in three guesses! (pose and smile)“ seemed to work pretty well on all three of the handsome guy customers I tried the approach on in the bar. „I'm from Estonia, they say Estonia has the most beautiful women in the world, that's why I left!“ didn't seem to work that well though, so I kinda felt a need to apologise for my conceitedness straight after that :P

My usual answer still turns out boring, something like „I'm from Estonia“ - (awkward silence) - „oh!“ or alternatively, if I'm lucky enough -„Oh, we've been to Estonia in 2003“. Luckily I've found that most of our visitors have actually heard of or even visited my country, so the small talk can move on to discussing the Estonian language or the old town of Tallinn or the differences in weather conditions and such.
Still, being constantly recognised as a foreigner bugs me a bit, especially as I have an image that most British people don't exactly have the healthiest opinion about all the Eastern-Europeans immigrating and taking over their jobs :P It worked out a bit better when I was still blonde (hair colour) so people would suggest I was from Sweden, Finland, Denmark or on some occasions from the Netherlands, sometimes as close as the Baltic region as a whole; never Poland, Russia, Czech Republic etc that I get now that I've gone back to my natural (kinda) hair colour :P
I suppose people just need something to smalltalk about, and my recognisably Eastern-European accent must be the most evident thing there! I don't really think that most of the people here hold a grudge against me, at least not for being Estonian...:P Oh well...

I've no idea where that unimportant whine about nationalities came from ; I must say that I am immeasurably proud to be Estonian (why else would I go on about being one :P) and also extremely glad to live and work in Scotland!

glad to get that off my mind though...

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